Our Mission The West Newbury Hall is essential to our sense of community. For our community to thrive, the Hall, our primary place to come together as a community, must also thrive. Our purpose is to provide local leadership, to fund, maintain and operate the West Newbury Community Hall so that it continues to grow in its dynamic role in our community's social and cultural life. The Hall Committee recognizes that the support and commitment of the entire West Newbury community is needed to fulfill its intended purpose. To that end, this organization will strive to reach out and involve as many community members as possible, in a manner that adheres to our values of respect and inclusion. The Hall is available for use for both public and private functions, for West Newbury residents and non-residents alike. Although the Hall is owned by the West Newbury Congregational Church, and comes under its non-profit status, it is truly a community gathering space open to all.